2011 Bogong Cup Set-up and Staging

Setup places will be determined initially based on WPRS rankings. After a valid round has been flown it will be based on placing within the competition. A staging line will be used where possible (see diagram below), otherwise an ordered launch will be used with the top third reversed.

One pilot per position. You can move forward to the next position if it is empty. Red arrows indicate priority For example, if the pilots at GP1 and GPSL2 both wish to move forward, then the pilot at GP1 has priority.

Pilots who enter the staging line and then change their mind must make their way back to their set-up position or the end of the staging line

LLx - Launch Line position x
GPx - Grand Prix set-up position x
GPSLx - Grand Prix Staging Line position x
AATx - AAT set-up position x
AATSLx - AAT Staging Line position x