Report created: 2017-04-15T09:57:57+10:00

Flatter than the Flatlands 2017

2017-04-14 to 2017-04-17

2017-04-14 Day 1

Elapsed time 56.1 km


No Dist. Id Radius
Coordinates Open Close
1 0.0 km S00000 400 Lat: -35.8144 Lon: 142.99635 12:00:00+11:00 20:00:00+11:00
2 SS 4.6 km S00000 5000 Lat: -35.8144 Lon: 142.99635 12:00:00+11:00 20:00:00+11:00
3 ES 56.1 km G05756 1000 Lat: -35.52958 Lon: 143.52746 12:00:00+11:00 20:00:00+11:00

# Name Nat Glider SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
1 Peter Lissenburg M Combat 14:24:20 15:32:21 01:08:01 45.4 56.1 637.9 290.9 929
2 Hughbert Alexander M 15:00:22 16:14:51 01:14:29 41.5 56.1 637.9 227.7 866
3 Grant Heaney M LS 3.5 14:24:08 15:42:30 01:18:22 39.4 56.1 637.9 204.4 842
4 Brad Elliott M 14:21:27 54.9 631.3 631
5 Andy Schmidt M C4 15:00:31 49.4 587.1 587
6 Johannnes Straub M Atos VR 14:24:02 38.7 493.2 493
7 Wesley Hill M Litespeed 4 / Malibu 14:00:00 31.5 435.4 435
8 Alan Beavis M Sting 168 15:19:44 30.2 421.6 422
9 Neil Hooke M 14:18:25 28.6 402.7 403
10 Neale Halsall M RX 4 14:39:08 24.7 352.6 353
11 Phil Campbell M 14:14:28 23.3 332.7 333
12 Todd Wisewould M Sport 2 175 15:37:15 21.5 301.2 301
13 Colin Mackie M U2 160 14:59:59 16.1 223.5 224
14 Jay Lubeil M 15:01:13 9.4 150.0 150
15 Daniel Summers M F2 190 15:55:00 6.8 123.4 123
16 Darryl Biggar M 14:23:34 5.5 108.7 109
17 Tim Cooper M 15:29:07 4.4 95.6 96
18 Ocky Innatuic M 4.0 89.3 89
18 Tim Little M Falcon 3 195 4.0 89.3 89
18 Peter Spear M 4.0 89.3 89

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name
33681 Nolan Bear
2207815 Mitch Butler
2207817 Andrew Blanks
2207820 Randall Clotworthy

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 51.492
task_distance 56.087
launch_to_ess_distance 56.087
no_of_pilots_present 20
no_of_pilots_flying 20
no_of_pilots_lo 17
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 5
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 3
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 3
sum_flown_distance 517.105
best_dist 56.087
best_time 1.13361111111111
worst_time 1.30611111111111
no_of_pilots_in_competition 24
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 445.14
sum_real_dist_over_min 445.14
sum_flown_distances 517.105
best_real_dist 56.087
last_start_time 2017-04-14T15:55:00+11:00
first_start_time 2017-04-14T14:24:08+11:00
first_finish_time 2017-04-14T15:32:21+11:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 2.19832286135674
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 3
goalratio 0.15
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0
time_weight 0.313188625
distance_weight 0.686811375
smallest_leading_coefficient 0
available_points_distance 637.851902571879
available_points_time 290.862917522472
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 0
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 0.928714820094352
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 0.928714820094352
ftv_day_validity 0.928714820094352
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2015
min_dist 4
nom_dist 44
nom_time 1.5
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 5
jump_the_gun_factor 3
jump_the_gun_max 300
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0.8
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 1
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 0
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 0
use_time_points 1
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 15