Flatter than the Flatlands 2021

2019-04-19 to 2019-04-22

Handicap system

Handicap results

Task Date Distance
T 1 - Watchem go2021-04-0236.7
T 2 - Lake Marmal2021-04-0358.8
T 3 - Lake Boga2021-04-0462.4
T 4 - BF42021-04-0533.3

# Name Glider T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 Handicap Total
1Alan Beavis Moyes Gecko 17088.7596.75 70.75100.75357
2Rohan Holtkamp C485.6585.6589.65 89.65350.6
3Johannes Straub atos88648484320
4Peter Lissenburg Airborne F283.0268.0263.0291.02305.08
5Paul Lawrence (Beau) Fun72.5467.5469.5471.54281.16
6Jay Kubeil T281.6561.6577.6545.65266.6
7Richard McLeod malibu67.
8Hughbert Alexander Aeros Kombat33.6676.6672.6680.66263.64
9Andy Schmidt RX74.6454.6462.6466.64258.56
10Colin Mackie U2 16074.0766.0754.0761.07 255.28
11James Atkinson Airborne Rev68.6668.6620.6672.66230.64
12Neil Hooke RX78.6450.6442.6458.64230.56
13Tushar Pokle sting50.0751.0743.0774.07218.28
14Andy Phillips Combat60.6631.66 68.6652.66213.64
15Peter AdriaansAtos18888023209
16Wesley Hill Moyes Gecko54.7558.7538.7556.75209
17Peter Holloway falcon54.3349.3347.3356.33207.32
18Dave Moore Moyes RX 4 Pro58.6458.6448.6440.64206.56
19Richard Hughes Moyes Gecko 15568.7543.7535.7547.75196
20Neale Halsall Moyes RX 3.538.6446.6438.6470.64194.56
21Michael Free Moyes RX 3.5 Pro42.6430.6466.6443.64183.56
22Stephen Normanatos21805623180
23Randall Clotworthy combat21.6616.6652.6626.66117.64